06 December 2024

A Long Walk and a Moonwalk - Armstrong and Aldrin's & Lewis and Clark's Journey's To Define America

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (A&A) traveled to the Moon in 1969.
Lewis and Clark (L&C) explored the American frontier, reaching Oregon and returning, from 1804 to 1806.
Here are some intriguing comparisons between their historic journeys.
Top Speed:
• L&C: ~3 mph (on foot, horseback, and by boat).
• A&A: ~25,000 mph (during re-entry to Earth's atmosphere).

Total Distance Traveled:
• L&C: ~8,000 miles (round trip).
• A&A: ~478,000 miles (round trip).

Support Crew:
• L&C: 33 members in the Corps of Discovery.
• A&A: Over 400,000 NASA employees and contractors supported the mission.

Length of the Journey:
• L&C: 2 years, 4 months, and 8 days.
• A&A: 8 days.

• L&C were out of contact with Washington, D.C., for their entire journey (~2.5 years).
• A&A maintained near-continuous communication with NASA Mission Control, with brief blackouts during lunar orbit.

Languages Encountered:
• L&C: In addition to English and French, they encountered ~50 Native American tribes, each with their own language or dialect.
• A&A: In addition to English, they navigated the specialized "dialects" of engineering, computer science, and flight operations.

• L&C: Lewis & Clark’s expedition led to westward expansion and the transformation and settlement of the American frontier, changing the lives of millions of Americans who have turned a former frontier into home.
• A&A: Armstrong and Aldrin’s mission pioneered a different kind of frontier—one settled not by homesteaders but by computer scientists, entrepreneurs, communication satellites, and new technologies. Their journey was a catalyst for the creation of new industries, companies, wealth, products, and technologies, transforming the lives of people around the globe. Like the Apollo team, people today communicate almost instantly across vast distances, connecting through spaces as immense as the surface of the Earth that was first seen as a whole on a NASA mission and now is increasingly treated as one globe in daily communication, trade, development and finance.

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