Scott showed up at all my family reunions: our mothers were sisters and our fathers are brothers and the two couples were married in a double wedding. At times, he comments here at R World as LS (as in Scott) D. This Christmas we got together and, although we'd only seen each other a couple of times in the last five years or so, he was as easy to be with and talk with and laugh with as he'd ever been. He shares my sense of the absurd. (And to give you a sense of his sense of humor, he'd been reading R World regularly before Christmas. When he saw me, he exclaimed, "It's the analog Ron!") I'm not just delighted that he's my relative - I'm delighted that he's related every which way he turns, guaranteeing that he can't get out of it. Happy Birthday Scott! Given that your folks went for three and mine did not, I'm glad to know that in a pinch I could borrow you as a kid brother. (Or is that, in a punch? That does seem to be how these things work, no?) Put me on the list of people who are glad you were born.
If you would like, you can leave him a comment letting him know what a cute kid he was. And if you ever need any architectural work done in Fresno, you may want to call him direct - although you should know that he does not design tents.

And WHO is Scott?
Now that matters have been sufficiently clarified, by all means then. Féliz Cumpleaños Scott. I'd sing you las Mañanitas (our birthday song) but you can't hear me so just imagine it. Ron said to tell you that you were a cute kid. That is indeed the case. You look kind of snazzy in this photo and you exhibit some eye-drawing attitude. More so than the other boys. I'd say that makes you the one to look at in this photographed bunch. Many happy returns to you and a better year than all the best ones you've had before in this one to come. Gypsy
P.S. My grandmother always said that a wish from a stranger sometimes counts more than some. Now I don't know why this is but she's been proven right on the odd occasion.
Wow! I feel famous!
Thanks for the kind birthday wishes cousin!
And thanks to Gypsy for noticing the t-shirt/munsing-wear-polo/cow-lick styling (which you might notice is now coming back in a furious way.) -
That guy to my right is sporting a pretty smart madras cubavera (some might even think that my pose is copped from him.)
Oh yes, many happy returns, Scott...and by returns I mean b-days not the return of Toughskins and mustard yellow midriff polos though that is one fantastically literary photo. One could really run with the story of these four boys.
looks like the 'stand by me' promo picture.
happy birthday LSD!!!
Thanks for prompting me to provide that crucial, missing piece and for joining with me in the congratulations to Scott. One last thing you might find of interest, given you Feliz-ed him, is that Scott and I have one other thing in common: we both had the good sense to find our (much) better halves in BC: my Sandi is from British Columbia and Scott's Veronica is from Baja California. Thus, he's been well Feliz-ed.
your literary instincts are good: there are, indeed, some stories about those four boys.
you have a keen eye. At the time that this picture was taken, we four were actually producing a movie. It turns out to have been nonfictional, goes on for years, and includes no rewind button ....
And Scott!
You feel famous? You are, young man, you are. You're in R World now, and here, you are king for the week. And as to my mada-hada, cupabera? Well, thank you (I think).
Looking again, I can appreciate that my parents were quite practical in squeezing an extra year out of that polo by smartly combining it with the old crew neck tee. I note also that you seem to merit the iron-on knee patches that your mom employed. -Perhaps those skid marks were obtained in a pine cone fight?
It's great to be reminded of who we are.
And as far as the 'king for the week' thing goes; I do expect special treatment.
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