Here’s how it works . . .
• Answer each of the questions below.
• Surf over to Flickr (set up an account if you don’t have one–it’s quick and easy AND I DON'T THINK YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO DO THIS - SET UP AN ACCOUNT) and type your answers (one at a time) into the search bar.
• From the choice of pictures shown only on the front page, click on the one that moves you.
• Once the page with your picture opens, copy the URL.
• Surf over to the Mosaic Maker, set up your mosaic, and paste your URLs.
• Click “Create!”
The Questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you attend?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. What is your favorite drink?
7. Where would you go on your dream vacation?
8. What is your favorite dessert?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. Choose one word to describe you?
12. Your Flickr name? (Substitute a nickname if you don't have an account.)
Photo credit:
1. Behind the Scenes: Ron Mueck, 2. Potentially so rich, practically extremely poor, 3. 300, 4. Crayola 64*, 5. JULIE DELPY, FRENCH ACTRESS, 6. Pouring Coke, 7. Villa Saluzzo Bombrini, Genoa - Italy # 16, 8. k., 9. The second floor under the restaurant. La Habana, Cuba., 10. beach workout, 11. One Of These Buttons Will Get Me Out Of Here, 12. A lovely day for a... slither?
I can't even tell you how disturbed and amused I am by the first photo. And lucky you, that you could find one of a beautiful woman eating ice cream. ;-)
Great mosaic. Though I'm a little off-put that I wasn't your celebrity crush. But then, I'm really only famous in Germany. Like David Hasselhoff.
That's a very unique meme, Ron! I have a Flickr account. I think that I shall give it a shot!
I have seen several female bloggers do this and they always turn out so beautiful, colorful...serene. YOURS DISTURBED ME! HAHAHAHA
Really, I am disturbed and intrigued by that first picture and then everything after that is icing on the disturbing cake.
The baby is hyper-realism by Ron Mueck. Your namesake now that I think of it. He has one of two little old ladies together that is just superb. They are about a foot and a half high. Amazing really. Look it up. Interesting meme. Interesting photos. Liked the very last one the most.
I can't believe that you'd dis my first photo. I got this meme from you. Which of the pictures most moves you? It did not say in a positive or negative way. Type in Ron in flickr and see if this pic doesn't most get your attention.
And, I'm going to start doing google news DE (Germany) searches on your name, just to keep up with the famous half of your life.
SS Nick,
I'll surf over to your site to see what you've done.
Icing on the disturbed cake? Does that mean that it all disturbed you or that after being disturbed the rest was like eating icing? For some reason it is important for me to know this.
Thank you. Interesting is so much kinder than disturbing. And it is a curious thing, a knitted banana slug. How could a person not be moved by that?
I can't believe that you'd dis my first photo. I got this meme from you. Which of the pictures most moves you? It did not say in a positive or negative way. Type in Ron in flickr and see if this pic doesn't most get your attention.
And, I'm going to start doing google news DE (Germany) searches on your name, just to keep up with the famous half of your life.
SS Nick,
I'll surf over to your site to see what you've done.
Icing on the disturbed cake? Does that mean that it all disturbed you or that after being disturbed the rest was like eating icing? For some reason it is important for me to know this.
Thank you. Interesting is so much kinder than disturbing. And it is a curious thing, a knitted banana slug. How could a person not be moved by that?
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