15 July 2023

Janet Yellen - Still the Only Woman to Serve as the Federal Reserve Chair and a Living Argument For Considering Women in That Role More Than Once per Century

Only once in its 100+ year history have we let a woman head the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Chair is responsible for monetary policy which has an influence over important things like inflation, job creation, and financial markets.

Trump - who loves women but just not THAT way - did not renew Obama's appointee Janet Yellen's time as Federal Reserve Chair. It's worth looking at how she did.

No Fed Chair presided over a period of lower inflation, the 1.4% inflation during her time at the Fed easily the lowest.

No Fed Chair who served a full 4-year term presided over a time of more rapid job creation.

Finally, the only Fed Chair under whom the S&P 500 did better was Volcker.

Given she did so well, the powers that be are toying with the idea of letting another woman take a shot at the job sometime during the next century. And then - who knows - if that woman does as well we may start appointing a couple of women per century - doubling their representation in this important role.

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