07 January 2024

Some Stark Contrasts Between The 2024 Candidates

It is 2024 and Americans will choose between Trump and Biden to be president from 2025 to 2029.

Trump - 
  • Spent a record amount of time as president tweeting, watching TV and golfing. (Trump sent an average of 33 tweets per day, roughly the number Biden sends each month.)
  • Cheated on his third wife (who was home with their newborn) with a porn star (who he paid with campaign funds). He is the favorite of evangelicals.
  • Insisted that the national government had no responsibility for COVID response - that a pandemic sweeping across the globe should be the responsibility of state and local governments and not his administration - and had Americans dying of COVID in his last month in office at a rate of more than one 9-11 per day, a pandemic that was particularly deadly for the elderly. He is the favorite of old people.
  • Holds the record for worst job creation (or best job destruction) during a presidency since modern records began after the Great Depression. He is the favorite of people who say he's good for the economy.
  • Incited an insurrection to overturn the election results from 2020 and has promised to use the office for retribution against political enemies once re-elected. 2 states have already pointed to the 14th amendment as reason to take him off their ballot for the 2024 election. He is the favorite of folks who talk about the importance of the constitution.
  • Presided over the worst rise in violent crime in American history. He is the favorite of Americans who want someone tough on crime.

Since Biden took office,
  • Weekly rates of death from COVID have fallen to 3% of what they were under Trump. (He treated the COVID response as a national - not a local government - issue.)
  • The unemployment rate is at its lowest rate for the longest time since the late 1960s. (He signed a stimulus bill that rapidly lowered unemployment.)
  • During Biden's presidency, violent crime has dropped to its lowest levels since the 1960s.
  • New business applications are at a record level. Not just up slightly. They are up almost 50% from what they were a short time ago. stats here: https://www.census.gov/econ/bfs/visualizations/interactivegraphs.html 

Biden and Trump hold the record for jobs created during the first term: Biden for the most jobs created and Trump for the most jobs destroyed. (And Biden still has 13 months to build on - or even reverse - this record.)

35 months into Biden's presidency, the economy has created 14.3 million jobs. In Clinton's first term, the economy created 11.6 million and in the first of his terms for which BLS posts numbers, the economy created 11.2 million jobs under FDR. The two worst first terms in modern times were under George W. Bush - the economy created about 100,000 jobs - and Trump, during which the economy lost 2.6 million jobs Thus far, the economy has created 2.7 million more jobs under Biden's presidency compared to Clinton, who has the second best numbers. The gap between Trump and W. Bush is also 2.7 million - but of course Trump's gap is 2.7 million worse than it was under Bush.

Trump is - obviously - the front-runner in this election.

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