18 June 2009

Sex and Nudity in the News!

In local news, my wife Sandi's school is having Hawaiian Day tomorrow. All the kids are dressing up. I like the idea of giving other states a turn. How about Utah Day? I can picture the 8 year olds in white shirts, name tags, and neck ties going up to different classrooms and asking, "Have you thought about becoming a second grader?"

Hillary Clinton fell yesterday, breaking her elbow. Just a couple of weeks ago, Sonia Sotomayor fell and broke her ankle. Lesser bloggers would, in an "I'm not sexist but" tone, point out that politics at this level is perhaps a bit too rough for the ladies. I would like some acknowledgement for refraining such a cheap and easy shot.

Sirius XM radio now has an application for streaming 120 channels directly into the new iPhone. Sadly, though, listeners cannot get NASCAR radio in this version. Why does that strike me as something as relevant as McDonald's not offering wheat grass?

David Letterman told a joke that offended Sarah Palin. Now protesters are asking for him to resign. I think that should be the new standard for deciding whether or not a comedian has employment: do his jokes offend Sarah Palin?

In Iran, where citizens prove their society is less developed than ours by protesting a lack of democracy rather than protesting comedians' freedom of speech, they have a Supreme Leader. A Supreme leader sounds so much better than our Regular or Mid-grade leaders. And if Sarah is unable to get a position determining which comedians get work, maybe she could get a position on Iran’s Guardian Council.

The GOP continues with its outreach program, doing what it can to attract minorities by showing a fun sense of humor.
"Wednesday, flanked by members of the NAACP, Columbia GOP activist Rusty DePass apologized for the Facebook remark that likened first lady Michelle Obama’s ancestors to an escaped Riverbanks Zoo gorilla. On Tuesday, Mike Green, an employee with Lexington GOP consulting firm Starboard Communications apologized for an online joke about President Barack Obama taxing aspirin 'because it’s white and it works.'"
One can almost picture GOP leaders frantic to understand blacks watching rap videos for clues about the right things to say and do.

[Okay. I admit it. There was neither sex nor nudity mentioned in this post but I was shamelessly trying to get your attention.]


Anonymous said...

I dunno 'bout 'em democrap chicks brakin' bomes enat-
but us gun toteem reepubs
we done likem blog posts promisin'
sex and nuhditty when there ain't 'nun.

Ben said...

I too like the idea of the Sarah Palin Comedy Standard. If she doesn't like a joke, chances are pretty good that I might find it hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Aw, man. I had high hopes that *finally* there would be some sex and nudity on the internet.

Allen said...


Was your blog post title meant to get you censored in Utah so you could then write about about the Elders? You have a good idea about giving other states a turn though CA would need about 4 or 5 different Friday's to cover the entire state and I don't even want to THINK about what the wardrobe would be for Northern CA, San Francisco/Berkeley area . . .

You know a Supreme Leader may sound so much better but you're forgetting they cost more to bribe than Regular or Mid-grade.

Letterman told a joke that offended Palin? Wow! What a surprise. Totally out of character for him, isn't it? Maybe Madonna should call Palin and offer her support.