19 January 2024

Haecceity: the irreducible determination of a thing that makes it this particular thing

Haecceity is a term from medieval scholastic philosophy, first coined by followers of Duns Scotus to denote a concept that he seems to have originated: the irreducible determination of a thing that makes it this particular thing.

I kind of love this: the irreducible determination of a thing that makes it this particular thing. Or, the irreducible determination of a person that makes it this particular person.

So, what is your haecceity?


Abbie's Tree House said...

What a cool question!

I like to see old things in a new light, and show people old things in a new light.

I remember hearing a joke in one of George Carlin's routines: "Some say the glass is half full, some say the glass is half empty. I say the glass is too big." Even though it was kind of a throwaway joke, it really opened my eyes to the idea that possibilities existed outside of those normally presented to us.

Ron Davison said...

Thanks Thomas.
Comedy done well is like a little paradigm shift.
I hope all is well!