24 June 2024

Mellon's $50 Million MAGA Donation Sets New Record for Single Donation to a Political Campaign

Andrew Mellon, a financier who served as Treasury Secretary, faced investigation by the Roosevelt administration for alleged tax evasion starting in 1933. Mellon had a vast collection of art. For years, after his tax bill was calculated, Mellon would “donate” art to a nonprofit institution he had formed, a donation each year equal in value to his tax bill. The art would not move, most continuing to hang in one of his homes. By the time of the trial, he had donated some $40 million worth of art, yet he had done nothing to suggest that the paintings would be used for public good.
In 1936, amidst the scrutiny, Mellon announced his plan to donate his collection to the nation, and he provided funds for a national gallery. This donation led to the establishment of the National Gallery of Art, which opened on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., in 1941. Mellon's collection formed a significant part of the museum's initial holdings.

Related, Timothy Mellon - an heir of Andrew Mellon’s – recently made the largest political donation on record - $50 million to Trump’s campaign through the MAGA PAC. No word as to whether any art was included.

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